Thursday, August 30, 2007






Seven bedecked boats wandering, endless waters everywhere
In Sravan incessant drones this lay of Manasa
and clumps of pullulating reeds rearing snakelike hoods
Rags to cover oneself in and the agony of Behula
While whistling breezes waft home a benighted evensong
The daughter of Sa’ha hastens on her eternal voyage

Far it is from Nichhani to home in the city of Champaka
Back in the homestead hangs a seven-tiered shika
At night by the light of an improvised oil lamp,
The old woman blinded bewails the passing of Lakha.
My son the fisherman this night fares in the waters
Keep him unscathed, Manasa, O let him prosper.

The Sravani breezes from the southern quarters
Bear hence the uterine odours of the waters
Even now does the twice-born bard Bansidass this strain sing
Not hither, not hither, it is another dour lake...yet to be seen.....
In the entrancing gloom of the dim evening hour,
Called up by the pull of the unknown beyond,
The daughter of Sa’ha hastens on her eternal voyage





He who has seized my homestead, has dispelled all my fear
The sky on its breast the imprint of my name does bear.
No more doubts, for I will wage a war to end all wars
My mekhlaa-clad sister has gifted me a single tambul.
I, for now, have learnt my lessons
Devoid of all language, in an academy of affection.
Bangla is my mother-tongue, the world is my shelter
For me, Prafulla and Bhrigu are each a blood brother.


Ten brothers, each a champaka blossom
A single sister among them like a parul bloom
They tore out their hearts to inscribe
“This, the Ishan quarter, rejoices, weeps
In what language, listen, and know”

You cannot hear it. And these conspirators thrive as yet
Come hither and listen to this tumultuous roar
Rising from three hundred thousand souls
“Bangla is my mother-tongue, Ishan-Bangla my mother”


In my room
I always secure that place
where many lost hairs lie
streaming away senselessly
seeing able sights,
to strike and to strike more
and more fear into eyes,
sounding as serpents which,
sloughing their skins
bite their own burgeoning bodies
in closeted confusion.

In my room,
I build my own bonds
to break them, bushel them
and bind my stranger limbs
if limbs you can label them at all.
And I wait for one winding stairway
to open up in my walls - to escape
into eternity, forever.

In my room,
I sing all sailors’ sirens’ songs
in bits and bits and pieces
from pottery shards shaded
beneath the successful earth
reminding me of an ontogeny –
There was once an ounce of omniscience
lurking in these now leaking, luckless lands.
In my room, there is eternity
clad in ennobling ennui.

In my heart,
there is a pace that I have plastered
onto my poor life of loneliness
ruled over by a wondrous worldly wisdom.
I walk from wall to wall
wafting my wasted senses in hope,
expecting my eternally shelved stairway
to grow as the grass beneath my feet grows,
in the silentest, most significant
manner of manifestation.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


There is something called an eye...indeed there is, and.....

An Eye must always be BLUE....not black, because then it will see only the night and its taciturn beauties of water shining, darkened, dampened earth and leaves floating like carcasses on a bloodless stream....bloodied by a presence that no longer is one, actually....

not brown, because there is too much of raw earthiness in that....too much of pain, too much sorrow-bearing quite unlike bearing-a-child...and too much of the seen, the manifest bides its time in it...waiting only for the day in the night and the night in the day's raw light.

not red.....because then one would be an icon in a catacomb....where the Saviour of Palestine and the Messiah of Rome is portrayed as a lamb awash in its own is when you see the penultimate thrust of Time is betrayed in between the climax and the strength. Red is fire doused by a familiar-to-the-eye coloured amphora of wine-coloured sand.

Time is the all-powerful mendicant who begs his way into the cycle we imagine we create and then leaves us destitute with just a closely calculated gust of breeze that the arms of Time conjure-whip-up.

And not even green, not because there is envy in the heart of the neighbour....or the lover who sweeps your lips with a sweep of his or her lips...acting together in unison as the ubiquitous hands at a desk full of work those of Sankhini Bhattacharjee born of the Seed of the confused planet, Shukra....or those of Krishnashish Chandra who cannot decide whether he should say to that virtual Man what he wants to say in appreciating that Poet's poesy.

and not even anything else....only BLUE...because the sky is not blue. It only appears to be blue. We, you and I see that the sky is blue. But then a man and a woman and a man in a Kaal Boishaakhi in the heart of Bangla will see the dark, dank heart of the sky which is not blue.

A traveller in an oasis in the desert at evening-song-sung-sadly-away-from-home will see the sky as red as fire that is far away, too far away to be stolen and then await punishment for stealing it, all the while one's liver and intestines shaking.

And even brown sometimes...when the sun is no longer interested in warming the earth. And green as green can be when we imagine lost sea routes in the sky....all said and done, the sky is not blue....nothing is....not even the ocean....nor the flowing rivers of Galatea....and Thetis.

All eyes therefore need to be BLUE